Friday, December 19, 2014

In the 1st Century, the distinguished Jewish writer/historian, Flavius Josephus, tells us there were 22 books containing “the records of all the past times” . . . “justly believed to be divine.” These “divine” records were written from the time of Moses and the reign of Artaxerxes (King of Persia 465-424 B.C.).

Five books belong to Moses; 13 books were written by prophets concerning things done in their times; and the remaining 4 books contain “hymns to God, and precepts for the conduct of human life.” Note: Because the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible canon) contains 24 books, some scholars believe his 22 book count combines the books of Judges-Ruth, and Jeremiah-Lamentations.

Josephus also wrote that it was “natural to all Jews” . . . “from birth” . . . “to esteem these books to contain Divine doctrines,” . . . [which] “no one was so bold” to “add anything to them, to take anything from them, or to make any change in them.” On occasion, Jews would even “be willing to die for them” . . . “that they may not be obliged to say one word against our laws and the records that contain them.” (See Josephus’ Against Apion, Bk. 1:8, at: http://www.ccel.org/ccel/josephus/works/files/works.html)

In other words, about 2,000 years ago, Jews were even “willing to die” for such “Divine Doctrines” in the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible). However, since the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple in 70 CE, regrettably, rebellious Pharisaical Reubenite/Korahite evil jealous spirits dwelling inside Talmudic pages have, indeed, challenged Moshe’s “Divine Doctrines” in the Written Torah since the 1st Century. The end result; there are countless anti-Torah non/divine unholy “oral laws” in a mishmash of over 6,200 pages of personal opinions of precepts of men in the Talmud that are illogical, false, and even absurd.

It’s like one rabbi after the other standing in line for hundreds of centuries trying to stick their fingers in this TALMUDIC PIE to make sure their imprints of self-importance have been left inside for other people to read – even if it’s nonsensical gibberish!  Their non-divine unholy finger imprints have never been “Divine Doctrines” of God given to the Hebrew-Israelites on Mt. Sinai about 3,500 years ago.

In fact, because the anti-Torah Talmud contains heathen Gentile (goy) Babylonian/Greek foreign influences, it is also non-Kosher, if you will. Moshe’s Kasher/Kashrut Written Torah (Book of the Covenant), however, is 100% Kosher, and pure and fit for spiritual consumption!

Besides the anti-Torah/non-Kosher Talmud, countless Ashkenazi/ Sephardic rabbinate today are also teaching abominable Kabbalah/Zohar practices of sorcery, magic, angels and demons, and witchcraft in a World of Ba’al not only in Israel but worldwide. Had they lived in the camp of Moshe/Moses, the penalty for all such abominations: death by stoning!

It’s time now for the House of Jacob/Israel to come “BACK TO THE TANAKH” with “Divine Doctrines” so Israel can have “hope” in Olam Haba (World to Come) – instead of being lead by Talmudic Rabbis like blind sheep into the pits of Sheol/Hell!


With the “wisdom of God,” Ben-Gurion boldly said that the Tanakh was “the most significant book not only for the Jewish people, but for “humankind as a whole” . . . Often he quoted Sacred Scriptures in the Tanakh, and held regular Bible study groups in his home with scholars and academics. He also “participated and lectured at conferences of the Israel Society for Biblical Research” . . . In one letter he wrote: “The source and roots of Judaism—as faith and a people—is in the BOOK OF BOOKS, and particularly in the ethics of the prophets.” “Under the glass on his desk, Ben-Gurion placed five quotes from Torah and Prophets that he defined as ‘foundations of Judaism laid by…the prophets’ and that he wished to keep in the forefront.” (Source of Ben-Gurion quotes: Kam, Matia (2014) “David Ben-Gurion: On Tanach, the People and the Land”; http://thejewishpluralist.net/)

The first quote was the belief in the Creator of the world as written in the Book of Isaiah:

“For thus said the Lord that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the Lord; and there is none else.” (Is. 45:18)

By his great FAITH in the Lord God, obviously, those who have tried to paint Ben-Gurion as an “atheist” with their brushes are blind artists. He believed that the Bible was the “most important source for shaping the new Hebrew’s identity” . . . No one that believes in the Bible and in God as he did comes close to being an atheist. Foremost, by his deeds and actions of good fruit falling from his good tree, he was not an Orthodox Holier than Thou hypocritical fake Jew – or even a Reform Jew. He was The Real McCoy! (Source of “David Ben-Gurion” quote: Wikipedia)

Ben-Gurion was Abraham’s true Hebrew blessed covenant “seed,” and he had a passionate ancient Biblical “Zionist” heart for Eretz Yisrael. He was a God Pleaser and “servant of God” in our modern times. The House of Jacob/Israel was immensely blessed to have David Ben-Gurion as the First Prime Minister of Israel.

To Reform Rabbi Ezra Spicehandler in the Reform Movement, he wrote: “I am obviously a Jew, but I am not an Orthodox Jew nor a Reform Jew.” To this rabbi, he also identified himself as being “devout in two principles”: in his “faith in God” and being convinced “in the truth of God more than any other truth.” (Source of Ben-Gurion quotes: Matia Kam referenced earlier)

By walking in the example of Ben-Gurion’s footsteps with home Bible study groups springing up like wells of fresh spiritual water throughout Israel, spiritual blessings can come upon the State of Israel. By serving up real “spiritual water and food” on tables, if you will, Talmudic Rabbinic Judaism’s spiritual thirst and famine bringing nothing but sordid moral decay and rot on tables for hundreds of centuries can be reversed. Although Sacred Scriptures in the Tanakh do foretell a time of “Jacob’s trouble” in these Acharit Hayamim (End of Days); nevertheless, the House of Jacob/Israel can fulfill its destiny to be a “LIGHT” to the Gentile World in darkness.

A “Back to the Tanakh” movement can start up everywhere – not only in Israel but worldwide to replace the Talmud/Kabbalah/Zohar.  People will be able to read for themselves many ancient prophecies written by Hebrew prophets of God regarding the “true” promised Messiah (Mashiach) of Israel.

It is not necessary for anyone to become a “Christian” in this movement. This word is not found in the Tanakh, nor is the Gentile/Greek word “Christ” (Messiah) found in the Tanakh. The HEBREW promised Messiah of Israel has always been “Mashiach” . . . “Mashiach” . . . “Mashiach”!  Period! For those whose eyes God enlightens to reveal the “true” Mashiach of Israel, they can simply call themselves “believers” (ma’aminim) in the Mashiach of Israel. That’s it!

In a “Back to the Tanakh” movement, God can enlighten tens, hundreds, thousands of eyes to see that the Yiddish-speaking ultra-Orthodox 100% “Gentile” (Goy) Ashkenazi European born Rabbi Menachem Schneerson – was not the promised Mashiach of Israel! Not only did he not fulfill one ancient prophecy in the Tanakh, but his bones are still in his tomb in Queens, New York! If he could not resurrect himself from the dead, obviously, he cannot resurrect anyone else from the dead in the coming Redemption and Judgment!

Millenniums ago, by the Word of God, the Hebrew prophets, Isaiah and Daniel, wrote about this coming time in the near future from which no one can escape:

“Thy dead men shall live, together with my dead body shall they arise. Awake and sing, ye that dwell in dust: for thy dew is as the dew of herbs, and the earth shall cast out the dead.” (Is. 26:19)

“And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people [Children of Israel]: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, everyone that shall be found in written the ‘book’ [Book of Life]. And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.” (Dan. 12:1-3)

May every reader of this article post be “wise” and startup a “BACK TO THE TANAKH” Bible study group in your home, or apartment, or outdoor park, etc. – not only in Israel but worldwide. May each of YOU help “turn many to righteousness” – so YOU can “shine as the brightness of the firmament” . . . and “as the stars for ever and ever”!

Blessings in Mashiach and the coming Redemption,
Peace & Shalom,
She’erit Yisrael (Zeph. 3:13)
She’erit Ya’acov (Micah 5:7-9)
Ora Yakovi

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